Journal subject areas
Every editor of Magnetic Resonance covers one or more combinations of field and topic, for which they process submissions on a regular basis. The subject areas of the editors are shown below, with fields indicated first and topics second. If an author selects a combination not covered by an editor, all editors of the field selected will be invited.
- Liquid-state NMR
- Solid-state NMR
- Hyperpolarization
- Overhauser effect
- para-hydrogen
- Hyperfine spectroscopy
- N/V centers
- diamond N/V centers
- other unconventional methods
- Zero and low field (ZULF)
- field cycling
- Instrumentation
- probe development
- magnets
- electronics
- Theory
- spin-dynamics simulations
- relaxation theory and chemical exchange
- Computation
- quantum chemical
- molecular dynamics
- structure computation algorithms
- spectral simulation
- Signal processing methods
- non-uniform sampling
- principal component analysis
- others
- Pulse-sequence development
- Unconventional detection methods
- optical detection
- electrical detection
- Applications – small molecules
- chemical analysis
- liquid crystals
- metabolomics
- diffusion
- in vivo incl. MRS, spatial localisation and functional imaging
- Applications – biological macromolecules
- proteins (also in-cell)
- Applications – materials
- inorganic materials
- batteries and energy materials
- polymers and soft matter
- (Bio)Chemistry
- isotope labelling
- radicals
- spin labels
- chemical labels